Contribute to Local Knowledge in Public Policy Phenomenological Study of State Defense Policy in Situbondo Regency, Indonesia
Akhmad Juni Toa, Syamsul Maarif, Edy Wahyudi & Sama'i
Local knowledge that exists in the community has the potential to be contributed to public policy, such as in the implementation of state defense policies in Situbondo Regency, Indonesia. The contribution of local knowledge in the implementation of the state defense policy is a phenomenon that deserves to be followed up in further research by focusing on how the contribution forms and how the mechanism involves local knowledge in public policy by constructing a research recommendation model that can be carried out in other regions that have characteristics. same as the research location. The purpose of this study: First, describe and analyze the contribution of local knowledge in state defense policy in Situbondo Regency. Second, constructing a mechanism to include local knowledge in state defense policies. Third, the formulation of an inclusive state defense policy recommendation model. The study method used in this study uses the approach qualitative in the constructivism paradigm in the interpretative phenomenological approach, because the author constructs a scheme in a coherent manner starting from the design, study methodology, approaches, procedures, to study methods and analytical systems that are designed collaboratively to produce novelties that can provide enrichment to the body of knowledge in administrative science. Based on the results of the study and discussion as well as the recommendation model, it can be concluded that: First, local knowledge contributes to the implementation of state defense policies through internalization of the values of hubbul wathon minal faith in sholawat Nariyah and Bhenning activities as well as song osong lombung, sea picking and red porridge activities. white which can change the attitudes and behavior of citizens in loving and sacrificing for their country. Second, the mechanism for incorporating local knowledge into public policy through a taxonomic process, and a continuum of other types of knowledge – professional knowledge and scientific knowledge – as part of the governance of knowledge types in inclusive public policy. Third, the design of the recommendation model produced in this study is in the form of governance of the types of knowledge in inclusive public policies. The recommendation model is needed because this type of local knowledge contributes to the implementation of state defense policies, but is neglected in the process of making public policies, because it is considered unimportant or has become part of the type of professional and scientific knowledge, even though this type of local knowledge is independent in existence and can be synergized with other types of knowledge. other knowledge as shown in the recommendation model drawing.