International Journal of Social Policy & Education

ISSN 2689-4998 (print), 2689-5013 (online)

DOI: 10.61494/ijspe

Scholarship Squared: What's Basic to Inducting Teachers into the Academy through Teacher Research in the Teaching of Writing

Denise Patmon, EdD; Dominique Herard&Kaitlin Moran


The purpose of this article is to identify methods used in a descriptive study to recognize, develop and support teachers' identity as researchers in the teaching of writing. Patmon provides the challenges, background context, and description of her 8-year study to develop grades K-12 teacher researchers in teaching composition. Herard and Moran contribute their teacher research odysseys with particular focus on their emergent role as researchers. Together the authors exemplify the nexus of K-12 teacher and university faculty as equally valued players contributing to the research community; and they demonstrate how teachers claim scholarship, their own and that of others, to promote healthy classroom practice in 21st century schools.